Information Sheets:

- 1. Foreword-Intro-Contents-April2013..pdf

- 1. Product & Service Info-April2013.pdf

- 2. General Information-April2013..pdf

- 3. Hempcrete Installation-General-April2013..pdf

- 4. Hempcrete Installation-Walls-April2013..pdf

- 5. Hempcrete Installation-Floors-April2013..pdf

- 6. Hempcrete Installation-Roof-April2013..pdf

- 7. Hempcrete Installation-Hemp Render-April2013..pdf

- 8. Render Finishes-Hempcrete Walls-April2013..pdf

- 9. Appendix-April2013.pdf

- HCA Summary sheet 21_01_14


Further Reading:

Thermographic Inspection of masonry and hemp Houses - Haverhill Suffolk

Commissioned in 2003 by the BRE (British Research Establishment), two townhouses were surveyed to capture thermographic images of the houses to locate any significant heat losses through the walls and windows. The houses' externals walls were constructed with cavity brick and Tradical® Hemcrete® and surveyed for comparison.

Sorption behaviour of lime Hemp and its relation to indoor comfort & energy demand
Arnaud Evrard, 23rd Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Geneva  06/09/2006

Investigations on heat and mass flows through buildings in dynamic conditions show the importance of considering moisture transport and storage when analysing the overall performance of the building envelope.  This report shows why the use of lime hemp composite material can help achieve high comfort feeling with low energy demand for indoor temperature and humidity regulations in sustainable buildings.

Role of Low Impact Building Materials in Sustainable Construction
Tom Woolley, School of Architecture, Queens University, Belfast

This is a discussion paper by lecturer and architect, Andrew Woolley, on the environmental impact of present construction methods and how sustainability has moved in the direction of resource efficiency rather than focussed on resource depletion.   Environmental assessment tools and standards have really just tinkered with existing construction methods instead of searching for real innovation .  This paper looks at natural building materials as a means to recycle and reduce the environmental impact of construction.

Dynamic interactions between heat and mass flows in Lime Hemp
Arnaud Evrard, A. De Herde & J. Minet

Research paper on lime hemp composite and the dynamic interactions of thermal storage, water vapour permeability and transient phenomena.

Traditional Natural Materials & Energy Efficiency
Neil May, Director of Natural Building Technologies

Traditional natural materials in modern forms such as insulation do provide a way forward for improving the energy efficiency of buildings without detrimental effect to the environment and hip pocket, provided it is done with proper understanding of the building physics and the occupants’ behaviour.

Breathability in Buildings
Neil May, Director of Natural Building Technologies

Breathability in buildings is not about air ... it’s about water, as a gas, as liquid, water flow through a building.  Water vapour permeability, hygroscopicity, and capillary are all material factors that will ultimately affect everything in a building.  Healthy, durable, working buildings can only be brought about by designing with a full understanding of breathability.

Constructing a low energy house from natural materials
Tom Wooley & Rachel Bevan, architects

Tom & Rachel write a paper on their experience and observations building an 80sqm ecohouse using lime hemp as the insulating material for the external walls.  This is not a diary but rather an honest appraisal of their experience building with hempcrete.  An interesting read.

Recommended Reading Material:

Tom Woolley & Rachel Bevan - Hemp lime Construction: A guide to building with lime hemp composites (BRE Press)

Steve Allin - Building With Hemp Edition 2 (Seed Press) available from our store

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